12-18 years


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Planetary systems

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There is more to astronomy than meets the eye

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Experiments and exercises involving gravitational lenses

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How do we know that the Universe is expanding?

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Muons in the mountains

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Eta Carinae: Reconstruction of major astronomical event

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The age of Crab nebula

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Distance and age of a star cluster

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Cepheids and distance of galaxies

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Let’s make a portrait of a galaxy

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Travelling through Galaxy

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About parallax…and constellations

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Travelling through Galaxy: 3D models of constellations

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Ranking the brightest stars of a constellation

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Making a constellation slide

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Brilliant stars on the screen by overhead projector

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An estimate of the number of stars visible to photographs

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Moon orbit

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Didactical activities about tides

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The shape of the Earth and the sky

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Aristarcho’s proportio

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Why are the eclipses dancing through the calendar?

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